Unlock EBT payments in‑store.

Start accepting EBT SNAP and EBT Cash payments on your POS device.

Unlock EBT payments in‑store.

Branded Checkout

Customizable Experiences

Deliver a customizable, native EBT checkout UI with Forage's SDKs. Reach your customers where they are, and capture billions in EBT volume with our solution.

Customizable Experiences

Best-in-class Support

Accelerated Launch

Our team of EBT experts will guide you through both technical integration and regulatory approval. You will be up-and-running in days, compared to months with legacy processors.

Accelerated Launch

Scale with Ease

Automated Onboarding

After we help you receive USDA approval, launch and scale merchants on your platform with our automated onboarding product.

Automated Onboarding

Begin accepting
EBT SNAP and EBT Cash.

Learn how Forage unlocks new revenue streams for merchants of all shapes and sizes.